My stomach is still holding me up somewhat, but I heard of Errandonnee 2018 while listening to last week's episode of the Sprocket Podcast at work.
Basically, the goal is to complete 12 errands and 30 miles by bike in 12 days, from March 20th to March 31st. You can read the full rules over at Chasing Mailboxes.
I'm a little late to start, and haven't followed most of the rules properly, like taking a picture of where I went, but was curious how I was doing, even being held back, and definitely not riding as much.
I'm also going to stretch the rules slightly, because several of the trips were on a longboard, since my stomach prefers not being crouched over very long.
Currently, I'm at:
- 3/21 - A bike ride to the grocery store, 3.7 miles
- 3/24 - A longboard ride to a coffee shop, 1.2 miles
- 3/24 - A bike ride to the pharmacy, 1.7 miles
- 3/25 - A walk to the grocery store, 0.8 miles
- 3/25 - A walk to a nearby bike shop, for a talk on bicycle touring for beginners, 0.2 miles
- 3/26 - A bike ride to drop something for medical reasons, 1.4 miles
So there, it's currently the 27th, and I'm halfway there by activities, but only about a third of the mileage done.
Unfortunately, I've got plans that can't include the bike today and tomorrow, so I'll miss out then, but we'll see about Thursday the 29th. It is good though, to see that my ability to be active certainly seems to have picked up, however slight. Maybe I'll have to create for myself a modified April Fool's version, from April 1 to April 12.
--Update--March 29th--
- 3/29 - A bike ride to a kitchen supply store, grocery store, and drug store, 3.7 miles
Still not entirely close on either distance or trips, but I'm certainly doing something. Although I had some really bad reflux earlier in the day, and it definitely messed with my lungs and their ability to function correctly.
--Update--March 30th--
- 3/30 - Another bike ride, this time to the bank to deposit a paycheck, 4.3 miles
I forgot this was even going to be a possibility. Surprise paychecks because you weren't paying that much attention to the date are great though. It was nice, sunny, I was still dealing with more reflux problems, and also trying out a new heart rate monitor.
--Update--March 31st--
- 3/31 - Another grocery store trip, 3.7 miles.
This is the last trip of the group. Another grocery store run.
9 trips, 20.7 miles. So far, I didn't manage to meet either the goal of 30 miles or 12 trips. But, it feels good to know that I still made it out on the bike much more than I thought I would.